Monday, December 27, 2010

Brahmi: Bacopa monnieri

Sanskrt Name: Brahmi

Botanical name: Bacopa monnieri

Family: Scrophulariaceae

Synonyms: Divya, Sarasvati, Aindri, Medhya, Bharati, Soma

English: Indian Pennywort

Flowering and fruiting time: Summer

Distribution: Throughout India, In wet places, damp and marshy area. Warm countries. Sri Lanka

Allied drug: Mandukaparni; Centella asiatica

Chemical composition: Contains alkaloid Brahmine which therapeutic action resembles Strychinine, but it is less toxic. Also contains alkaloid Herpestine.


Rasa(taste):  Tikta(Bitter), Kashaya(Astringent)

Guna(quality): Laghu(light), Snigdha(wet), Sara(flowing)

Virya(Potency): Sita(cold)

Vipaka(taste after digestion): Madhura(sweet)

Dosha karma( Effect on Dosha): Calms down Vata, Blood, Pitta 

Therapeutic Uses:
 Febrifue, nervine, cardiac tonic
 Useful in epilepsy, fever, insanity, nervine, mental diseases
 Good brain tonic, promoting memory power and mental faculties
 Leaves and whole plant are used in various nervine and mental complaints
 Also useful for skin, complexion, general restorative or rejuvenation
 Whole plant is nervine tonic and is used in asthma, epilepsy, insanity, diarrhoea
 Stems and leaves are considered useful against snake-bite.
 Whole plant or leaves are useful in dermatosis and other skin affections.
 The hot poultice of the plant is applied in acute bronchitis, cough and chest complaints.
 Dried leaves are effectively useful in debility, nervous break-down.
 They are also specially suggested for students and intellectuals to tone up mind and mental power including memory.

Part used: whole plant, leaves

Dosage: Juice 10-20ml, Powder 500 mg-1 gm

Formulations: Brahmi Ghrita, Brahmi Taila, Brahmi Rasayana

Reference:DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANA Vol.1( Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi)   by Dr. Gyanendra Pandey